Coca Cola
Six Flags Magic Mountain
What we delivered
Public Relations Press Release
Social Media Content
Video Production and Photography
Creative Team
Parsa Ara
Ivy Acosta
Stephen Seidel
Elegance Creative was approached by Coca-Cola and Six Flags to capture the launch of the first automated store at Six Flags Magic Mountain, featuring state-of-the-art Amazon technology. Our mission was to create a buzzworthy PR campaign and social media strategy that highlighted this innovative collaboration.
Our Campaign
Video Campaigns: Developed a series of captivating videos, including a hero commercial, to be showcased across Six Flags' social platforms and on their 6Flags TV.
Social Media: Leveraged platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, creating engaging content such as interactive stories, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the store's technology.
Public Relations: Crafted a compelling press release, emphasizing the pioneering collaboration between Six Flags, Coca-Cola, and Amazon, and securing wide media coverage with Seidel Agency.

SixFlags QuickSix Coca Cola

SixFlags - Quick6

SixFlags Quick6 1

SixFlags Coca Cola Quick Six

Images capture the purchase process at the Quick6 store with Coca Cola as the focal point.
Vertical Video for Digital Kiosks
The videos reinforced Coca-Cola and Six Flags as pioneers in technology and customer experience at the amusement park. As the park attendees line up for their rides they watch a video advertisement on the new Quick6 Store.